Comparing Lens Quality - Zeiss Carat Advantage Crizal Avance

Getting the best value for your money when it comes to eyeglasses, sunglasses, eye exams, and contact lenses.

Postby george » Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:36 pm

In a thread comparing Lenscrafters Featherwate Complete and the Crizal Avance with Scotchgard, the issue was raised of an independent lab reviewing lenses. As a result, I did a bit of research trying to find an independent lab which evaluates lenses. I did find out that there is a place called COLTS labs that does do independent testing. Colts stands for Cooperative Ophthalmic Lens Testing Service, Inc. It seems that they are hired by lens manufacturers to do an independent analysis of lens quality. The results of the tests are owned by the company requesting the test so it is privately held, unlike what you'd find with a Consumer Reports doing an evaluation. COLTS does a test, called the "Real Life Simulation" that includes multiple tests of the lenses:

Real Life Simulation- This test is actually five tests in one and is an attempt
to simulate actual wear conditions for an AR coated lens. Haze and luminous
transmittance are measured throughout the test program and represent two (or eight if
all the repeats are counted) of the five tests that are completed. AR Cloth Rub, Tumble
Test and Cycle Humidity Oven/Crosshatch Adhesion (CHOCA) are the other three tests
and are executed in the order given.

According to their information, they say that they have determined that a score on the Real Life Simulation of 3.25 or better means the "potential is very small for a return of the product by the customer."

It seems this is the best overall test, and I've been able to find some scores for popular lens treatments. Most of the results are in promotional materials, though, so you have to take the results with a bit of a grain of salt. They of course submit their best prepared lenses for testing and will only publish positive results. However, it does give an indication of how the best sample of their product will perform.

One of the highest scoring lenses is the Zeiss Carat Advantage <link removed 11/11/12 as it is no longer active>. It scores 4.21 on the Real Life Simulation according to Zeiss's promotional materials.

Crizal published their data in some promotional materials <link removed 12/30/11 as it is no longer active>. Crizal Avance with Scotchgard has the highest score I found so far with a 4.75. The Crizal Alize is excellent with a score of 4.59. Elsewhere I've seen the basic Crizal coating scored 3.67.

Additional lenses I've seen scores for include iCoats Stainless <link removed 12/15/18 as no long active> anti-reflective lens coating. They report a Colts Real Life Simulation score of 3.90. From what I read, iCoat had made the lens coatings for Costco and very well may still do that.

Seiko Surpass ECP <link removed 12/30/11 because no longer active> anti-reflective lens coating scored 4.60 on a polycarbonate lens.

Seiko 1.74 AR with SuperClean scored 4.57. This seems to be a very high score for a high-index lens material.

Unfortunately, there is no information I could find so far about Lenscrafters lenses COLTS ratings.
Posts: 264
Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:23 pm

Postby george » Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:39 pm

While doing some research for another thread I saw that Zeiss did come out with a new anti-reflective coating last fall, the Purecoat. They claim that it is the best anti-reflective coating they've made, but they don't give the specific COLTs Real Life Simulation score, so I can't say how it compares to the Crizal Avance and other top lenses. If anyone happens to see the COLTs score, please add it to this thread.

Posts: 264
Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:23 pm

Postby Kit » Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:02 am

You're awesome, George.
Thanks for all the great info.

Postby spk » Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:57 am

Thanks. This is the best information I've found !

Postby Walter T. Toth Jr. » Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:57 am

I agree, great and important info. Thanks for taking the time to help other's. Mini eductional seminar. Regards, Walt :)
Walter T. Toth Jr.
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:10 am

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