Free Eye Exam - Who qualifies and how?

Getting the best value for your money when it comes to eyeglasses, sunglasses, eye exams, and contact lenses.

Postby george » Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:38 pm

<Updated November 11, 2012 - updated old links>

I saw a news article yesterday about a program offering free eye exams for seniors <link no longer available>. Eyecare America runs the Seniors EyeCare program which is currently offering no-cost eye exams for seniors.

The goal of the Seniors EyeCare Program is to try to make sure that people over age 65 are able to get necessary eye care including annual eye exams. They make sure people have access to this care with no out-of-pocket expenses.

In order for people to qualify for the free eye exams through EyeCare America, people must be
1) a US citizen or a legal US resident.
2) be 65 years of age or older
3) have not seen an eye doctor (opthalmologist) in three or more years
4) does not belong to the VA or an HMO

You can find out if you qualify for the Seniors Eyecare program by calling their toll-free number which is always open at 800-222-3937.

If you are eligble for the program, you not only will receive a free medical eye exam, but you also will be able to receive up to one year of care without spending any money. This care is provided for any eye disesase found during the exam.

This program is supported by volunteer opthalmologists who will accept any insurance coverage or Medicare payments as payment in full. If the patient does not have any insurance, they will be able to receive the care at no charge.

There is not only the Seniors EyeCare program, but also a Glaucoma EyeCare Program. In order to qualify for the Glaucoma EyeCare program, you must be:

1) a US Citizen or Legal Resident
2) Have not had an eye exam in more than 12 months
3) are at increased risk of glaucoma based on age, race, or family history
4) do not belong to the VA or an HMO

You can find out if you are eligible for the free glaucoma eye exam as well as the initiation of any needed treatment by calling anytime 800-391-3937. If you have no insurance, you will receive the exam for free. If you have insurance, you are responsible for the co-payments and/or the coset of the exam.

Both of these programs seem like great programs if you qualify.
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