VisionWorks Eyeglasses - Good deal for seniors

Getting the best value for your money when it comes to eyeglasses, sunglasses, eye exams, and contact lenses.

Postby JerryM » Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:45 pm

After the gym my wife and I checked out Visionworks, which is in the mall. I picked out a metal frame I liked and asked the cost for CR 39 trifocals. It came to $66.68 without the $20 insurance or whatever it was.A tint with the 80% discount would be $4.

I may go for a spare pair of trifocals with light yellow tint. My wife may want some bifocal sun glasses and that cost was about $45.

The ratings I saw on the internet were bad, and I mentioned that to the young lady waiting on me. She said thay had talked about that this morning, and explained why some problems could be encountered. However, the lab is in the store so I am not sure how much trouble I could have if I go for the deal. They get a lot of business from my observations.

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Postby george » Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:11 pm


I split this off from the other thread as it seems to deserve its own topic. I'll be curious to see what your thought is on the quality if you do order a pair from VisionWorks.

For those joining the thread - JerryM is taking advantage of the age based discount that VisionWorks offers. Some markets start the offer at age 55, where you get a percentage off of the price based on your age. For example, at age 55 you would get 55% off. At 65, you get 65% off. I think they round off to the nearest 5%. In JerryM's case, he is getting a whopping 80% off! That definitely could make for some great deals.

However, if you are saying that the cost for you would be $66.68, I'm guessing that means the regular price would have been $333.40, which is more than I'd pay for trifocals. I'm also guessing that doesn't include any anti-scratch or anti-reflective coatings. At 80% off, it does seem like a great deal, but there aren't too many people who can take advantage of that offer. Depending on the cost for coatings, it may be a decent deal for people ages 55-75 too.

Thanks again for sharing your experience! I know other visitors appreciate sharing this kind of information.
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Postby JerryM » Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:41 pm

My wife and I received our glasses from VisionWorks, and are very pleased.The prescriptions and tints are right on, and although the prices would be considered, by me, exorbitant with an 80% discount the prices were $71 for mine and $67 for hers. Her frames were really pretty and she is pleased. Her old glasses were large and did not suit her anymore. She had bought a pair from
Walmart a couple of weeks back before this special came out, and the price was around $167. She wanted some sunglasses so the additional purchase from VisionWorks. We consider the VW glasses somewhat nicer than the Walmart glasses, which have a smaller bifocal area. So far she has no trouble with them in this area.

The workmanship seems to be first class, and the people were pleasant and helpful. I had gone on the web, and found a lot of complaints on the company, but the BBB here did not have any complaints against them.
I would rate the company from our experience 5 stars.

Added: I have worn the progressives I got from Zenni several days, and still prefer the trifocals to the progressives. The Zenni glasses are excellent, but progressives are not for me. Maybe if I had the wide angle progressives I would like them better, but since I am well satisfied with lined trifocals I see no reason to spend the money to try them.

Posts: 33
Joined: Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:58 pm

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